Monday, January 11, 2010

America's Toilet...

Alot of yall are mis-informed. DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING you hear!


The food is horrible! I heard someone say they feed prisoners good...yeah if you are caucasin. The food is un-seasoned and is low-grade. At one facilit they stop serving the unbreaded fish cause a inmate seen the package it comes and that said "Not For Human Consuption". They do whatever they can to cut cost in which the state pays the facility. If you know anything about non-profit organizations you'll understand their ploy.
Ever thought of feeding a GROWN MAN 5 chicken nuggets and a handful of tater-tots? How about a sliced carrots with raisins? Or one hot dog & a spoonful of cabbage with a bruised apple for dessert? The facility makes more money if they issue out cheaper food. Oh and we did get stuff like the Tyson boneless chicken breast...BUT the C.O.'s take cases of it home and give us the rib meat blended chicken patty. Mind you that Prisons are in small towns, therefore correctional facilities are literally their "bread & butter".

Be EXTRA CAREFUL cause I just left there (Oct. '09) and ALOT of guys do have girlfriends/wives/kids and are GAY! I seen regular dudes tongue-kiss, get into arguements like women get into arguements with their man about looking at other females, so-called straight men get their d*ck sucked by fags,etc. Most guys who did over 10-years were most likely to be gay. Now EVERYBODY aint fags...out of 1700 men on a compound atleast 15 were openly gay (kool-aid lipstick, drawn on eye brows, etc.) about 30-40 were on the DL types (those who don't consider theyselves gay, got muscles, etc.). I once seen a guy hop out the shower with another guy. And no...nobody gets raped if you drop the soap! The showers have curtains, just not in Jackson. Jackson is said to house the most gays in the MDOC. The people who are fags want to be that way or had gay tendencies in the 1st place. Alot of the gays go to Christian religous service. They go there because it's on a sunday, everybody sleep late on sunday and they can do they thang without nobody really knowing in the bathroom. You over hear guys talking about this type of stuff and to NEVER join church in I stayed away from all religions.
Mostly it was guys from Grand Rapids & Pontiac who were gay (some from Detroit too) but MOSTLY from those parts of Michigan. It suprised me to see that some young guys were gay. You can tell who's who by who they hang with. Alot of'em hang near or in the weight pit (old guy's) basically looking for some young guy who don't know nothing to prey on. If your son is incarcerated, tell him to stay out of religious services and from the weight pit for atleast a few months and to watch who hangs with who. But NEVER go to church in prison!

I've been to 6 facilities so I seen alot in that little time. I actually caught over 50 tickets which means I seen 3 different levels os confinement. I actually wanted to suffer in a way to teach myself a lesson to NEVER go back.
The C.O.'s are racist, but are REALLY racist in Jackson. They put a tax on store items twice before I left and had a memo that they will put another tax in January 2010. Prisoners dont/didnt pay attention to these little things like that. The store makes about 2 to 4 million a year depending on the facility. These are all gas station type of items (no real food). Like I said above MOST prisoners dont pay attention or careless about teaching themselves or learning from the experience. And yes...OTHER FEMALES WRITE YOUR MAN! We need letters coming in constantly to make the day go by. Dont think you the ONLY ONE writing. Some people even hustle FEMALE INMATES addresses or sucker the white guys into letting them write their friends/family (or steal their letters and get the address).
I repeat...ALOT of guys just play cards, lift weights, or talk about who they use to fuck, who doing what in the streets, how much drugs they did or sold and watch TV ALL DAY. I rarely seen guys read books. I got criticized when I read books. A guy asked me "why you always reading them stupid ass books"...aint that some shit?!? Oh...and guys do fight (get stabbed) over stupid shit like .65 cent soaps or .30 cent noodles. I caught alot of tickets cause I knew that they could'nt do nothing to me as far as a flop cause I was maxing out.

Cooper Street (JCS) is where I seen the most blatant homosexuals acts. A guy who had the audacity to have pictures of his girl & kids on his wall board (and she was coming to see him) had a boyfriend and performed with him on the yard. Mind you it's 1700 people at JCS. The most faggots I EVER seen in one place. This was the firt-time I ever seen a "normal" looking guy that was gay. This was a wake-up call...I was traumatized after seeing the shit I seen there. Mind you I didn't witness no fags my 1st 4 months locked up until I got transfered there.

Lakeland (LCF) home of the CSC aka criminal sexual conduct cases. This facility had alot of guys who were rapists, people who raped little girls & boys under 15 years old. One guy gave AIDS purposely to his girlfriend & her 10-year old daughter...thank GOD he doing LIFE. Damn near everybody at this facility are 1 of 4 things: child molesters, faggots, snitches, or got they level boosted to level 2 but is about to come home or did over 15-years without catching alot of tickets.

Macomb (MRF) This is a facility where its probobly impossible to catch a ticket. The C.O.'s are black and just sit at the desk. If you looking for a job, be a C.O. they make about $25 a hour just to sit down. It aint like you think or like on the movies, guys been locked-up so long they dont even know how to talk to a female.

Jackson (RGC) everybody goes here 1st from the county jail. This is a level-5 security level. This is what they call quarrantine. They check to see if you got AIDS/HIV/STD's health or psychological issues to see where hey gone send you. They'll have you here for about 1-month.

Coldwater Camp Branch (CDW) they closed this faility down. But this is said to be for those who about to come home (or anycamp for that matter). So those who were sexual predators & fags try to change their ways to get prepared for the streets again. Most of guys who are in camps are young though. Or just caught their 1st case.

St. Louis (SPR/STF) The water is comes out like rust. The ONLY facility I been to that sells bottled water and warns you not to drink the water...but we had to shower in it! This is a law suit for anybody who has the money & the patience. I was here 1-month and 2 people died.
Not to mention that IT GOES DOWN HERE! They fight/stab the fags and the rapist (people with CSC cases). I liked this facility cause they stood up for something unlike other places where the old people just complain & talk shit. The young guys will fight at this facility.

*Michigan Reformatory (MR) I heard you can die there so easy. Mostly lifers, guys with alot of time or guys who are wild are housed there. Alot of stabbings are said to take place there.

This was my 1st case and my 1st time being locked up. I was 25 when I caught the little Felony Firearms so I got 2-years. I promised myself to tell EVERYBODY about my experience. Any questions just ask.