Sunday, September 30, 2007

Friend Requirements

Recently I had a misunderstandin' wit a female that wanted to be JUST friends, in which I didn't have a problem with so I decided to make this shit right here known to the internet world! For one, I want beneficial friends (if I say "friends with benefits" yall think sex partner). Beneficial friends are friends who care about your well-being first and who is willing to look out for your best intrest.
For instacne: If i'm horny what would do for me?
a) tell me to come over to ya house
b) hook me up one of ya freaky girlfriends
c) take my mind off of it in a subtle way.
d) would'nt give a shit & tell me call somebody else

If i'm in need of financial assistance would you...
a) give it to me with NO questions ask
b) give me half of what I say I needed
c) say you don't give niggas money
d) lie and say you don't have it

Money is a important requirement to me cause money is expendable, meaning it comes and goes. If you hold on to money like it's apart of you 9 times outta 10 we won't get along. Women who take pictures of money are usually the type I can tell I won't like cause they take pride in it way too much. Women with REAL MONEY spends it, invest it, and gives it away...for instance Oprah. Besides, thats how you make money...not by how much you flash but how much you spread around and how fast it goes threw ya hands. (real hustlers know Donald Trump. how you think credit works?) .
Another tip: if you can take a picture of ya money it's not enough anyway...ever seen Bill Gates take pictures of his? NO! cause he has enough to fill houses. I said sex cause thats a way to see a female's values. A women initially declines sex cause she gets that type of attention all day everyday. Plus if I have a inkling of knowin' I can "hit that" our friendship would go into a different level (for better or worse).
Basically to me a "friendship" is just as important as a male/female relationship. Why? Because a good friend could last a lifetime. I mean who would you invite to ya wedding, ya co-workers who hardly know you? What i'm gettin' at is...I meet people EVERYDAY and less than 5% I would consider a potential friend. Besides sex, I want a female who can have a debate but not be arguementive and we learn from each others opinions. When I tell a femalel that on the phone they'll say somethin' like "well I don't like to argue" (miscommunicated word was "DEBATE") thoughts is "how can I get her off my line without lyin' to her, I hope my line click so I can NEVER talk to her again". No matter how good you look, how much I wanna f*ck you but you are not my type! Basically I need someone who can challenge me...
When I was sellin' clothes in '05-06 I met alot of women who flirted for the purposes of gettin' a deal on a Roca Wear/Baby Phat outfit. I seen right through it, but I played the "friend" role to my advantage. Friends at this stage in my life is more important than p*ssy. Instead of me strokin' a slut who's last name I don't know is NOT worth more than the female I can have a phillosophical conversation with! 5 years ago I would've NOT made that comment, but people grow-up. I find it funny that women i've had "relations" with throw that term out there freely, but in reality, all we did was make "arrangements". Even now, when women say they have "alot of male friends" I think "wow i've heard that so many times". I initially believe that they f*ck majority of those afforementioned "friends" and or WOULD NOT be there for them when it count. It's crazy that people would give a person their body and not their mind! As i'm typin' this i'm havin' a epiphany...cause I have done the same sh*t I despise.

1.) I need women who are knowledgable about things & are educated cause...if I need a study partner I want someone who will HELP me & not just read the text in the book. Besides, educated women will get further in life than a stripper (I ain't hatin' on strippers). Knowledgable women tend to have a broad opinion and opinionated people gives you game from a different prespective.

2.) I also need women who have had alot of experience wit guys...why? Cause women who has had alot experience f*ckin' with different type of men (I don't mean fucked alot of men) has a broad vision on relationships and what type of men they are drawn to oppose to the ones they end up with. Plus, how can I explain a situation (or ask for advice) to a person who DONT get out much?

3.) Just cause we friends don't mean you can look any kind of way either. You still have to keep ya self intact cause a 1st impression is the most lastin' one. You have to STILL be presentable to be a friend of mine. If I say let's go out or let's take a trip...i'm not tryin' to be seen with a unhealthy, filthy lookin' person.

4.) And for yall Myspace...Add Me As A Friend people...
It's cool but I really try to focus on people who I know personally. But if you know me from school, work, on the street, know me through another person, heard me on some Dirty Glove recordings, or just like what I have to say let me know. Don't just send me a 'can I add you as a friend' message and don't state why!
simply put...

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