Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Countdown To Lockdown

O.K. I've been thinkin' about the things I wanna secure before I go in. I'm still at the top of my 'To-Do-List' in which I only have 1 week and a half left. I turned my phone off 1st of all cause I got tired of gettin' calls from people who just wanna waste my time. For instance, one female was sendin' naked pictures to my phone and then call talkin' about "what I wanna do to you" type of stuff. Like I said before i'm past the sex thing...besides, I need companionship over sex. One female i've know for about 3 years called out-of-the-blue and I told her my situation and instantly she was like "i'll write you and send you some money & pictures". Whats so crazy about that is that she has a boyfriend. If I knew my girl correspondin' with a n*gga in prison, that is somethin' I could'nt take lightly. It'll NEVER be anything between us (if she knows it or not) but I appreciate the jester. Another female...well i'll say woman cause she's 30, had the same reaction. She's a writer so I think she would get a kick out of correspondin' to a future inmate, plus the fact that i'm a significant person. I just met her back in August so i'll see if she's true to her word. Anyway, i'm still compelled on callin' this female who says I owe over $700 in child support to a kid I have'nt even seen. I promise i'll call and/or make that visit to her grandmothers house this week.

My state of mind is NOT focused on bein' imprisoned but the fact i'll come home to zero/nothing and back at square one. Thats why i'm tryin' to somewhat secure my future.
The top 5 things I need to do is:

1.) Find out if i'm this kid's I can resolve this child support matter

2.) Sale my car, speakers, amp, etc...(if I don't it's still cool cause when I get out i'll already have transportation)

3.) Collect money from everybody who owe me & secure some correspondances.

4.) Hit my cousin up so he can look-out for me on building my credit while i'm locked down.

5.) Enjoy my freedom while I can...and get drunk for the 1st time in my adult life (I've drank before but it was only twice & I was like 15/16 years old).

...#5, my friends talkin' bout takin' me to a titty bar (in which i've NEVER been) but I refused the offer. I don't know what it is about women dancin' in front of me naked but that sh*t don't excite me! Maybe it was because when I was in middle school my older cousin & his friends was out on 7 mile infront of the Barber shop one friday and flagged down a woman who turned out to be a stripper. Since we knew the owner of the baber shop he said we could come in . After a few advances, she gave in and gave us all a lap dance (completely naked). Mind you I was only 14 and they was all 19 and up...I think she was like 25. After that I was like DAMN! But I never had the desire to pay for a stripper...since she did a exellent job and I didn't have to drop a dime! Besides I can't concentrate with a room full of women who's fakin' that they enjoy to have random fingers shoved in her. Imagine how many guys that done probably been grabbin' they sweaty balls and with those same ball fingers shoved in her "canal". I don't like a sweaty women anyway, that is unless i've made her sweatout her perm/weave.
note: think about many n*ggas in the room that done licked that SAME nipple!!! Strip Club...NOOOPE

...#4, My cousin own alot of property around Detroit. 5 years ago he pointed out damn near a whole block on the eastside. And NO it was anywhere near Mack & Bewick. It was a neighborhood where homeOWNERS kept they property up. During that time I could'nt fathom owning a house of my own, mind you I was 21/22 and thought only "established" people were home owners (i.e. people who were reitred or with careers). Now i've seen I was totally wrong! Especially when I witness a n*gga make a closing on a $90,000 home and cash the check. The Real Estate game is cool, but i'm tryin' to stay in the house and build some collateral through it. Besides i'll be 28/29 when I get out, I need somethin' thats MINES other than a car & clothes. With him building my credit that'll be great for the both of us...I hate to ask him for anything (though he's driving S550's & Range Rovers and have paid for my lawyer) , but I gotta break-down and give him a call this week.

Words From The Wise...
...normality breed content (i.e. stagnation)
...idle hands are the devils workshop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your Blog...power infomation.