Monday, October 22, 2007

Last Weekend FREE

As I've been goin' threw this trial i've been meaning to do so much. I wanted to get drunk for the 1st time in my adult life. Friday I sorta did that...actually I drunk some Patron, Grey Goose, and 1800 Silver I believe it was but, I went to sleep right after so I didn't feel the effects. I didn't get to see the people I wanted to see this weekend but I still made the best of it.
This past Saturday, me, my cousin Tez, Shizz, and ya boy Short Dawg was chillin' together and decided to go to the studio. Short Dawg is a character, the niggas crack jokes all day. He had a show at Club Illusion (I don't do clubs) my focus was just gettin' in the booth layin' somethin' down. Anyway after he made his appearance and fuckin' with the "groupies" we met up downtown and went to the studio. We went to DWI studio, and they shit is fly! We sittin' there tryin' to pick beats ya boy Short Dawg was like "whatever yall want to do" he didn't have no input really from a creative standpoint. I figure he would just spit some lines he already remembered but that was'nt the case. After my cousin came up with the hook we began to write. Short was off that "lean" and kept pacin' the floor or either half sleep in the chair. After awhile he went straight in the booth and dropped his shit with no pen or pad. His delivery was on point and he did very few takes. We telepathically thinkin' (me & Tez) alike, like "Short Dawg got his deal wit So So Def/Russell Simmons he might be feelin' his self we gotta show'em we Detroit niggas go in". so Tez laid his verse and was droppin' crazy punchlines which, like most talented rappers Short Dawg tried to keep that game face on. Then I went in the booth and not to toot my on horn but I murdered it. Juan was'nt there so I don't know his reaction to it. The song was produced by DWI producer Trill. Short Dawg play a part as engineer too adjustin' levels and shit. We didn't leave there till 7 am. Short Dawg was'nt on no star shit either. They had that marathon downtown blockin' up all the streets so he decided to get out and walk to the building cause we was blocked off by the runners. Even though it was just a few blocks away from where we was goin', you know Detroit niggas'll rob you whenever. He had his watch & chain on and was'nt on no scared shit so I give'em respect for that. Them niggas downtown is scantless.

Next day, Sunday
Me & Tez met up with Juan, Short, Pip, and Shizz at J. O'neal studio. They did some songs workin' on Short Dawg's album and Juan's album. Here go Short again with no pen, no paper. This time it was a song with a crazy rhyme scheme so I know he came up with that shit right then. It was dope. He tried to crack on Juan for comin' with the notebook, talkin' bout he had "sack raps". Everybody was crackin' up. This nigga said like kids carry a sack lunch to school niggas got sack raps. They finished the song in about 30 minutes then went to another song that needed to be filled in. Mind you from last night we made a impression on Short Dawg, we gave'em a run for his money. Now today, he tried to crack on me cause on one beat I had a written rap. He was like "this nigga wrote this to 50 Cent-In The Club beat" (tryin' to say I look like 50 Cent). We all laughed but I think he knew I was a problem on the mic.
Funny thing about Hip-Hop it's all about the battle. Everybody has to be the best. It's all good cause it brings the best out of you. Juan always be on that tip like "such & such murdered you on the song" or "I sonned such & such on this song". that type of shit MAKES you come hard. I'm just blessed to have that type of rivalry in my camp cause i'd hate to be aprat of a group and there's only one person who shines everybody. As far as writing rhymes in my head, Short Dawg got me on that. I do way too much, and I just not in a comfortable position to JUST focus on rap. I always think about makin' my money, dodgin' police, making beats and how i'm gone chop this sample up, or just everyday shit that bugs me. Not to mention Saturday was Sweetest Day and one my home girls got a room downtown at the Anthenium cause she knew I was goin' to prison this Tuesday (tomorrow) and I didn't make it cause I went to the studio. I know she was pissed, but she might've just pulled a nigga out the club for the night. Anyway, thats how life goes.
(I feel like Doogie Howser with this typin' about my life on a computer shit hahahahaha)

Today hopefully I get to lay some more shit down. Atleast give my cousin this beat cd for him to spit on. It's like i'm in the 25th Hour, everybody wanna do shit with before I leave but I can't be in 2 places at once. Can you believe I put the studio before a bitch? Most niggas would've went to fucked the girl, but I feel that words (and music) leave a more lasting impression.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Destroy & Rebuild...then expand

Sometimes I wonder why did MOST of the great black leaders of our time had to be imprisoned. I've always wondered that, especially when I was younger and read The Auto-Biography of Malcolm X. Not to mention to listen to my family,teachers, and elders talk about how Rosa Parks went to jail for a WHOLE race (I know that's controversial ). But as I dissect the confines of my mind for accumulated knowledge, I realize that most (if not all) of my "heroes" have all been incarcerated. For instance:

2 Pac...
A man says his records never went platinum till he got a record. By record I mean rap sheet and by rap sheet I don't mean pertaining to music. After his release from prison we've all witness a different Tupac, a more focused Tupac. Some say his music wasn't transcendent from his old 2pacalypse persona but more "gangsta". In my own opinon I think 2pac learned a great deal from those political prisoners and the value of words. Yes, 2pac always had the 'Thug Life' tattooed on his stomach but after his release from prison he came up wit a accronym for it. He gave Thug Life a meaning other than the obvious on the exterior. The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fuck Everybody! That acronym speak volumes, as do the actual word 'Thug Life', it scares you sub-consciously. Kinda like when NWA came out and publicly said it stands for Niggaz Wit Attitudes.
Upon 2pac's release he recorded some of his BEST material ever in a short amount of time. besides it seemed as if he had "known somethin'" and wanted for us not as fans but as black people to come together and be part of his "plan".
Guys in my age group always argue that we have no black leaders in our generation but, they NEVER realize that 2Pac was the closet person to black leader/activist since Malcolm X who spoke our story...And that's why we call'em nigga, I betcha.
note: you can't feed a baby steak. you have to feed babies baby food and gradually move to solids.

Malcolm X...
This is one my favorite people whom I've never got a chance to experience. His words were profound and his actions spoke louder. No, he wasn't a Black Panther who constantly spoke on politics and socialism, but he spoke on our politics and how WE play with the hand we were dealt. Malcolm or El Hajj Malik El Shabazz after his pillage to Mecca, discovered to true meaning of Islam (which is peace). We'll never know what Martin Luther King Jr. & Malcolm X spoke about on the day they finally got to meet. But one thing we do know is after that pilgrimage he had Understanding. I capitalized Understanding cause that is secondly important to the growth of man, first theres Knowledge.
Malcolm obtained the Knowledge from prison which he converted to the Nation of Islam. The Nation opened Malcolm's eyes in a sense, and so ironically he would have NEVER known about his true self as a black man if it was'nt for The Nation or prison. I ask myself why did he have to go to prison to find enlightenment? Was it part of God's divine order to have him go through purgatory like Jesus in order to be "reborn"? I find that ALOT of people I know how were imprisoned come back out on the streets more educated in knowledge of self. Not to say they DON'T revert back to their old ways but they all have that "30 day eye of the tiger", in which they're eager to teach people of the knowledge they obtained while incarcerated. I say 30 days cause then reality sets in. Jobs get to doin' background checks, you get to witnessing they money bein' made illegally, and bacon starts to smell good.
All in all prison have helped some of the worst of us, but I can't seem to figure...Why do we have to go through persecution to move ahead spiritually, physically, and mentally? Every religion has that same theology. Destroy & Rebuild.

There's a whole list of celebrities and influential people who were once jailed. I just hope I can break this cycle I keep witnessing by informing the youth about the justice system and the prison system and how to avoid it WITHOUT takin' a cop out by sounding too preachy and say "go to school & find a job"...

-drop a jewel- & some random rambling-
When Erykah Badu says "my cipher keeps rolling like a rolling stone" alot of people didn't "get" that. Cipher represents a circle, and cipher also represents complete, so do a circle. So from 1)knowing or wanting to know, 2)understanding that of what you wanted to know, and 3) having wisdom about what you've learned is a complete cipher. That would be 360 degrees and your circle (or cipher) keeps rollin' when you keep wanting to Know. If you noticed, everything revolves in cycles (or circles).
For instance: planets revolve around the sun.
your respiratory system works in a cycle (or cipher) you breathe in your nose and out your mouth.
your digestive system: you eat to nurture your body and excrete the toxins, those same toxins fertilize the plants of which bear the fruit from which you've ate.
Even in the "life ecosystem" we are trained to go to school and get a job then die old. So harshly put, but that's life. Now living is the parts in between that story, the "chapters" as I would put it. And just like a a book you start from the cover and read to the cover. I hope to make my story a vibrant one from all of my dark moments, and from the law of the universe I should be granted that. Unfortunately alot of our "stories" are short, and alot of "books" are paperback and thin much like a magazine - full of false advertisements. I will like to make my life NOT a encyclopedia, but a novel with vibrant photographs. This site lets me "index" my thoughts. With that said, this is just a list of "table of contents".

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Countdown To Lockdown

O.K. I've been thinkin' about the things I wanna secure before I go in. I'm still at the top of my 'To-Do-List' in which I only have 1 week and a half left. I turned my phone off 1st of all cause I got tired of gettin' calls from people who just wanna waste my time. For instance, one female was sendin' naked pictures to my phone and then call talkin' about "what I wanna do to you" type of stuff. Like I said before i'm past the sex thing...besides, I need companionship over sex. One female i've know for about 3 years called out-of-the-blue and I told her my situation and instantly she was like "i'll write you and send you some money & pictures". Whats so crazy about that is that she has a boyfriend. If I knew my girl correspondin' with a n*gga in prison, that is somethin' I could'nt take lightly. It'll NEVER be anything between us (if she knows it or not) but I appreciate the jester. Another female...well i'll say woman cause she's 30, had the same reaction. She's a writer so I think she would get a kick out of correspondin' to a future inmate, plus the fact that i'm a significant person. I just met her back in August so i'll see if she's true to her word. Anyway, i'm still compelled on callin' this female who says I owe over $700 in child support to a kid I have'nt even seen. I promise i'll call and/or make that visit to her grandmothers house this week.

My state of mind is NOT focused on bein' imprisoned but the fact i'll come home to zero/nothing and back at square one. Thats why i'm tryin' to somewhat secure my future.
The top 5 things I need to do is:

1.) Find out if i'm this kid's I can resolve this child support matter

2.) Sale my car, speakers, amp, etc...(if I don't it's still cool cause when I get out i'll already have transportation)

3.) Collect money from everybody who owe me & secure some correspondances.

4.) Hit my cousin up so he can look-out for me on building my credit while i'm locked down.

5.) Enjoy my freedom while I can...and get drunk for the 1st time in my adult life (I've drank before but it was only twice & I was like 15/16 years old).

...#5, my friends talkin' bout takin' me to a titty bar (in which i've NEVER been) but I refused the offer. I don't know what it is about women dancin' in front of me naked but that sh*t don't excite me! Maybe it was because when I was in middle school my older cousin & his friends was out on 7 mile infront of the Barber shop one friday and flagged down a woman who turned out to be a stripper. Since we knew the owner of the baber shop he said we could come in . After a few advances, she gave in and gave us all a lap dance (completely naked). Mind you I was only 14 and they was all 19 and up...I think she was like 25. After that I was like DAMN! But I never had the desire to pay for a stripper...since she did a exellent job and I didn't have to drop a dime! Besides I can't concentrate with a room full of women who's fakin' that they enjoy to have random fingers shoved in her. Imagine how many guys that done probably been grabbin' they sweaty balls and with those same ball fingers shoved in her "canal". I don't like a sweaty women anyway, that is unless i've made her sweatout her perm/weave.
note: think about many n*ggas in the room that done licked that SAME nipple!!! Strip Club...NOOOPE

...#4, My cousin own alot of property around Detroit. 5 years ago he pointed out damn near a whole block on the eastside. And NO it was anywhere near Mack & Bewick. It was a neighborhood where homeOWNERS kept they property up. During that time I could'nt fathom owning a house of my own, mind you I was 21/22 and thought only "established" people were home owners (i.e. people who were reitred or with careers). Now i've seen I was totally wrong! Especially when I witness a n*gga make a closing on a $90,000 home and cash the check. The Real Estate game is cool, but i'm tryin' to stay in the house and build some collateral through it. Besides i'll be 28/29 when I get out, I need somethin' thats MINES other than a car & clothes. With him building my credit that'll be great for the both of us...I hate to ask him for anything (though he's driving S550's & Range Rovers and have paid for my lawyer) , but I gotta break-down and give him a call this week.

Words From The Wise...
...normality breed content (i.e. stagnation)
...idle hands are the devils workshop

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lock Me Up But My Mind Is Free

I hate to be typin' this little message but I guess I fulfilled the American Prophecy: make him a felon if he's under 30 and black. I was doin' OK out in the world, finally fillin' the shoes of "Man" (bein' that I was man in age but not in responsibility). I've obtained the title of "independant" since 2004, bein' that I moved out of my momma's home and into my own. I know people are suppose to do that but, it's hard out here especially Detroit. Since then I made it my business to keep the title of "independant" and finally my preserverance ran out.

The 1st road block was a female who I was really cool with had child support papers sent to my mother's house inwhich I didn't obtain until about 6months after they were mailed out. Meaning that this is the 2nd time around that a female had givin' birth to a child which they claimed were mine. I was'nt trippin' on the assumption of I was her kids father but the year of not tellin' me she was pregnant.
note: I'm a man. I will take care of whats mines, and ONLY whats is proven to be mines.

The 2nd road block was that my house got broken into and damaged pretty bad. It had to be some dope fiends cause they took the shit that dopefiends know the shit they take...So I had to move from my neighborhood I grew-up where I thought was comfortable.
That brings me to strike number 3. I enrolled in WC3 cause I missed the deadline for Wayne State. During that same week I get aressted and beat-up by police. They charged me with 3 charges and when I went to court I was facin' 5-18 years. The police took all my money plus I spent & borrowed money to get out on bond (which is how i'm able to type this now). The court appointed lawyer was sayin' she MIGHT GET ME 3 years plus 3 years probation which was out the question. I called my cousin (which hurt my pride though he doin' VERY WELL) he paid for a good lawyer for me. The lawyer got 2 of the charges dropped instantly. He said "winning against this felony firearms charge is unlikely" So weighin' my options, I took the plea which I can't apply for boot camp.
Damn! Now I have to sit in a cell for 6 months up to 2 years out of my life. And to make it so bad I was just gettin' on track as a man. All my money is gone. I don't put to much stock into women since the baby scare i've recieved in the past which was twice in the span of 3 years. So with that said...I now have to prepare for my release from the prison system before I even go to jail. Meaning, I have one month to tie my loose ends.
First I want find out if I am the father of this child (which stays on my conscious). I'd hate to meet the kid after I get out of prison cause I know it would put me into over-drive which can probably have me in the same position I was once in. Plus it would hurt me to see him talkin' & knowin' that I was'nt there in his 1st years of living. Secondly I have to save every penny I have & make just so I can come home to some money to work with (I hate askin' people for shit). Third, all the females I know, they would'nt write me a letter but will give me some p*ssy (ain't thats some sh*t?). It seems as though my life is crumbling by the day. I don't have NO support system!!! The weigh of the world is on my shoulders. I can be a ignorant and just say "f*ck it" and become a full-time criminal but thats not me, I want so much more outta life.

In conclusion, i'm the LAST of all my so-called friends (and cousin's) to become a felon. N*ggas brag about "slangin'" and "carryin' a heater" but with me it was'nt like that, and now I see the flip side of it. I played the game fair and by the rules which ALOT of guys my age don't do. I say "so-called friends" cause the 1st day I got out n*ggas was tryin' to pull me back into it. I feel that if you f*ck up in one area correct it, move on and make it better. Like the book 'Who Moved My Cheese'. I feel everything happens for a reason, but this one thing I can't figure out cause i'm already in transition of becomin' a Man with a capital "M". I guess this will solidify it, bein' that I can handle the most deplorable situations and make somethin' out of it.

Music For Grown-Ups (That need to be in your Ipod)

O.K. I woke-up to a song playin' (I went to sleep wit my Ipod on) and it had me thinkin'...I'm in my mid-twenties and I listen to "old people" music. I got that label from a female who was ridin' with me & I was playin' Debarge. Actually I listen to all types of music, but I prefer classic music. When I say 'classic' I mean timeless music. But I decided to make this post cause alot of my older friends ONLY listen to rap or today's R & B which they play on the radio. My thoughts is: They're older than me and don't know about Mel'lisa Morgan? Fool's Paradise huh? So, I wanted to make a list of Grown-Up Music. The type of music that, when I hear these songs I feel masculine yet vulnerable, proud yet emotional. These songs are a few of many that put you on a whole different mind-set (especially when played in a females presence). So i'm gonna give you the title and my thoughts on the songs.
Note: You have to listen to the words and what is bein' said too.

(in no particular order)
1.) The Deele-Shoot'em Up Movies
-Now this is a song in which I didn't hear untill this year. I came across song cause a rapper sampled this song and I wanted to hear the actual song. To my discovery, Babyface & L.A. Reid were in this group, this was Babyface's 1st group.
Now when I heard this song I could picture the whole scene he's talkin' about. It's a real retro song bein' that it was made in like 1987, but it's a song that still sounds good while cleaning-up. You'll be sprayin' Windex on the windows like "gotcha" (you'll have to hear the song to know what i'm talkin' about). And the fact that the song is about a guy who met a girl at a gangster movie is what makes it so special.

2.) Will Downing-A Million Ways
-This song I 1st heard on a movie. I forgot the name of the movie but remembered the song. This is some real GROWN-UP sh*t right here. This song is so smooth it makes me feel smooth, like I could seduce a woman with words while this is playing. This song is sexy (yeah I said it)! It's the type of song women love cause they think about the type of things he's sayin', wishin' that a guy would do half the things he singing about.
Play that for a mature woman while yall just chillin' and she CAN'T SAY NO, period. Unless you just have no game at all.

3.) Minnie Riperton-Inside My Love
-This is a classic! I remember hearing this when I was really young like 2 or 3 years old. Andto my discovery a few years ago my favorite producer (J-Dilla r.i.p) sample this for Slum Village hit song Climax (which is another favorite). But this song is a powerful one. I would love to hear Erykah Badu cover this song. This song will have a n*gga guard up...she spittin' game on here so tough! When I heard this when I got older I imagined a female saying the things she's saying and how would I counter it. This put me on so much game.
On the surface it seems as if she's talkin' about invitin' a guy to her "wonderland". But thats not too far off cause it could be her actual "wonderland" which can be her freedom's a deep song.

4.) Gap Band-Yearning For Your Love
-This is a classic too! I remember my daddy playin' this when I was little. When I hear this I start to reminsce, besides one of my favorite songs sampled this (Nas-Life's A Bitch). These cats was spittin' game in the studio back in them days. Listen to the words...I imagine he tryin' to get at a girl and she ain't tryin' to hear it but he is singin' his heart out. I'd rather hear this than Musiq's Buddy any day.

5.) Debarge (aka Switch)-Stay With Me
-I love El Debarge's voice on this song, it sounds so smooth. I love this song...I even lip-sych the words (actin' silly) with most of their songs cause they voice sound so smooth and young. Not to mention Biggie's One More Chance sampled this song (I see a pattern that most of my favorites have been sampled). Even though he sound like a simp/captain save-a-hoe it's a good song.

6.) Maze featuring Frankie Beverly-Joy & Pain
-I remember this song back in the early 80's (I have a VERY good memory). My aunt boyfriend use to play they records (yeah those big plastic round black things in your mothers attic) and he use to vibe out to'em. I rememebr being in the back of his Cadillac strapped in my seat belt bouncin' to this.
How can you be in a bad mood when this sound comes on? This is Spring/Summer season music. Straight blowie shirts, straw hats, and linen shorts to this...thats how my aunt's boyfriend use to dress.

7.) Mtume-You, Me, He
-This is some real pimp sh*t right here. This is a song you play in the car when you pick-up a female knowin' that she has a boyfriend. This is on repeat as I speak cause all the women i'm dealing wit now all have men but they cheatin'. That bring me to the next song...

8.) Sade-Is It A Crime
- My daddy friends' wife use to baby sit me when I was little and she use to play all of Sade's tapes (that's what was in then...tapes). So I know most of Sade's music by heart. But the most poetic and sexy is Is It A Crime. Now I love the Promise CD and I can easily put any song from that album on here but this one has a feelin' of night with a candle flickerin'.

9.) Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes-I Miss You
- This song was used for a Jay-Z sample. But this song has to have had effected millions of men then, and millions of men will hear this song and nearly get teary-eyed when thinkin' of a old lover. This song that type of impact! He poured his heart out on this joint. Sound like he spoke about what men DON'T speak about when it comes to the end of realtionships. That's some real mature sh*t by confrontin' your fears & vulnerabilities.
This song is epic.

I can name ALOT but i'll keep it simple...stay tuned

Friend Requirements

Recently I had a misunderstandin' wit a female that wanted to be JUST friends, in which I didn't have a problem with so I decided to make this shit right here known to the internet world! For one, I want beneficial friends (if I say "friends with benefits" yall think sex partner). Beneficial friends are friends who care about your well-being first and who is willing to look out for your best intrest.
For instacne: If i'm horny what would do for me?
a) tell me to come over to ya house
b) hook me up one of ya freaky girlfriends
c) take my mind off of it in a subtle way.
d) would'nt give a shit & tell me call somebody else

If i'm in need of financial assistance would you...
a) give it to me with NO questions ask
b) give me half of what I say I needed
c) say you don't give niggas money
d) lie and say you don't have it

Money is a important requirement to me cause money is expendable, meaning it comes and goes. If you hold on to money like it's apart of you 9 times outta 10 we won't get along. Women who take pictures of money are usually the type I can tell I won't like cause they take pride in it way too much. Women with REAL MONEY spends it, invest it, and gives it away...for instance Oprah. Besides, thats how you make money...not by how much you flash but how much you spread around and how fast it goes threw ya hands. (real hustlers know Donald Trump. how you think credit works?) .
Another tip: if you can take a picture of ya money it's not enough anyway...ever seen Bill Gates take pictures of his? NO! cause he has enough to fill houses. I said sex cause thats a way to see a female's values. A women initially declines sex cause she gets that type of attention all day everyday. Plus if I have a inkling of knowin' I can "hit that" our friendship would go into a different level (for better or worse).
Basically to me a "friendship" is just as important as a male/female relationship. Why? Because a good friend could last a lifetime. I mean who would you invite to ya wedding, ya co-workers who hardly know you? What i'm gettin' at is...I meet people EVERYDAY and less than 5% I would consider a potential friend. Besides sex, I want a female who can have a debate but not be arguementive and we learn from each others opinions. When I tell a femalel that on the phone they'll say somethin' like "well I don't like to argue" (miscommunicated word was "DEBATE") thoughts is "how can I get her off my line without lyin' to her, I hope my line click so I can NEVER talk to her again". No matter how good you look, how much I wanna f*ck you but you are not my type! Basically I need someone who can challenge me...
When I was sellin' clothes in '05-06 I met alot of women who flirted for the purposes of gettin' a deal on a Roca Wear/Baby Phat outfit. I seen right through it, but I played the "friend" role to my advantage. Friends at this stage in my life is more important than p*ssy. Instead of me strokin' a slut who's last name I don't know is NOT worth more than the female I can have a phillosophical conversation with! 5 years ago I would've NOT made that comment, but people grow-up. I find it funny that women i've had "relations" with throw that term out there freely, but in reality, all we did was make "arrangements". Even now, when women say they have "alot of male friends" I think "wow i've heard that so many times". I initially believe that they f*ck majority of those afforementioned "friends" and or WOULD NOT be there for them when it count. It's crazy that people would give a person their body and not their mind! As i'm typin' this i'm havin' a epiphany...cause I have done the same sh*t I despise.

1.) I need women who are knowledgable about things & are educated cause...if I need a study partner I want someone who will HELP me & not just read the text in the book. Besides, educated women will get further in life than a stripper (I ain't hatin' on strippers). Knowledgable women tend to have a broad opinion and opinionated people gives you game from a different prespective.

2.) I also need women who have had alot of experience wit guys...why? Cause women who has had alot experience f*ckin' with different type of men (I don't mean fucked alot of men) has a broad vision on relationships and what type of men they are drawn to oppose to the ones they end up with. Plus, how can I explain a situation (or ask for advice) to a person who DONT get out much?

3.) Just cause we friends don't mean you can look any kind of way either. You still have to keep ya self intact cause a 1st impression is the most lastin' one. You have to STILL be presentable to be a friend of mine. If I say let's go out or let's take a trip...i'm not tryin' to be seen with a unhealthy, filthy lookin' person.

4.) And for yall Myspace...Add Me As A Friend people...
It's cool but I really try to focus on people who I know personally. But if you know me from school, work, on the street, know me through another person, heard me on some Dirty Glove recordings, or just like what I have to say let me know. Don't just send me a 'can I add you as a friend' message and don't state why!
simply put...